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About bruceh

  • Birthday 02/11/1962

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  • Location
    Ramona, CA

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  1. bruceh

    Where to teach my 8yr old to ride

    There is a mini track for beginners at the Ocotillo Wells Ranger station and visitor center off Hwy 78.
  2. bruceh

    Eagle Scout court of honor invitation

    Give him my congrats! My son (now 23) earned Eagle Scout, and I was very active as an Assistant Scout Leader for his troop. I probably helped about 20 local kids earn Eagle by being a Merit Badge Counselor.
  3. I used Santee Welding to fix a cracked swingarm on an older ATV. Did a great job and was fast and cheap.
  4. Had a great time again (third time). Did just the Saturday tracks, but did all of the GPS only sections in Superstition and Mud Caves. Put 227 miles on the odometer in just under 9 hours of riding. Slow paced, but I never fell down. Couple of sloppy saves in the sandy washes. Feeling a bit sore the next day in the shoulders. Too much crap weighing me down in my backpack. Weather was great, but coming back to Butterfield at dusk was cold and windy. I didn't stop to take as many pictures as I have in years past. My photo album is here. Thanks to Randy and all of the volunteers for putting on such a fun event!
  5. bruceh


    +1 for the JD jet kit and the 3x3 airbox mod. Really woke up the bike with extra power. I followed the instructions over on thumpertalk and it worked out perfect.
  6. bruceh

    Help Boy Scout Troop build a website

    I did my son's troop website from scratch way back when you had to hack HTML by hand. It was a LOT of work and after he got Eagle Scout and went off to college I decided my time as an Assistant Scout Leader was up. The site fell into disrepair and with very little new content being put up by my replacement, it really languished for a few years. The current leadership recently moved the site over to MyTroop. Looks much more modern and they claim the administration can be done by someone without any special computer skills.
  7. bruceh

    Hi, my name is Charlie.

    Charlie, Welcome. Sounds familiar! I'm a pilot (currently inactive, but building a Van's RV-9A airplane in my garage to get back into the air), have 3 older kids (2 in college, 1 just getting out of HS), ride a DRZ-400S. I don't ride as much as I'd like, but if you venture up the hill to Ramona, let me know and I'll show you some great dirt roads around here. Bruce
  8. Had a great time! Did 190 miles on Saturday and got back just as it was getting dark. My photos are here. Thanks to all of the SDAR folks who worked putting this event on!
  9. bruceh

    Boeing 787 Flight Plan

    My sister-in-law works at Boeing and knows a few of the flight engineers. They got a tour of the 787 test aircraft when it was at San Bernardino. They are doing Extended Operations qualifications on the new GE engines. Article here.
  10. Jay Leno did a good segment on the Deco Liner here
  11. Kinda hard to do single track with a side car
  12. After a 4 year hiatus, I'm IN for Saturday! Can't wait. Check is in the mail.
  13. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/01/19/watch-as-a-motorcycle-rides-on-top-of-the-world/ HOly S#it!
  14. bruceh

    What is your plan B if a disaster happen

    After being forced to evacuate twice because of fires in the past, we are really more prepared than most. When the power went out here in Ramona, I just pulled the RV out of the backyard and ran some extension cords from the generator into the house to run some lights and the refrig. We always fill up the gas tank whenever we come back from a trip, so with 55 gallons of gas, that generator will run for days if needed. Also keep the water tank mostly filled. We have lots of flashlights and batteries on hand, and the wife likes candles, so we have plenty of light. Multiday outages get more complicated because of food, so always have some non-perishables on hand.
  15. bruceh

    Can-Am Spyder..A Motorcycle?

    If it is not a motorcycle, then does it require a front license plate?

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